LOA Tools
Law Of Attraction Tools
Now that you came to understand what is the Law of attraction, or at least you have an idea on how does the law of attraction work. you will need to apply it in your life, to attract what you want and bring your desires into the physical. To do so you have to use the Law of attraction tools.Applying the Law of Attraction means that you will change your life, adopt a new lifestyle, it is not something that you are going to try for few days then go back to your old habit.
By the way note that old habits die hard so it will not be easy for you to keep on the new lifestyle, you will be tempted to go back to how you were before, but you have to have enough will and devotion for the change.
There are many tools and techniques that will help you apply the law of attraction, from the easiest ones (like positive thinking) to the relatively hard ones like meditation, (hard because it takes long time and patience).
Here are few of the Law of attraction tools that we have discussed in this blog, we will keep on posting new tools so stay tuned:
Visualization is a powerful tool that we use in order to line up with the energy of what we have already created, a tool we use to receive the energy of our desire into the physical so visualization is a huge part of creation process.
You may check the full Article about Visualization here:
meditation is somehow the conscience sleeping, reaching a sleepy mode without actually falling asleep, it is also the art of relaxing the body and mind.
meditation allows you to be one with the univers. It allows you to raise your vibrations and to get energy from the univers.
some law of attraction gurus like to call it a journey to the inner self, it takes you in a discovery journey to your deep self, from body to mind, mind to intellect.. and beyond.
When you reach a high meditative state, you become guided by your higher self, or your inner guidance system. You are no longer guided by your ego.
You may check the full Article about mediation here:Meditation and the Law of attraction
Ask Believe Receive Formula:
Ask believe receive is the basic formula of the law of attraction, it is very simple yet many people struggle with it. many people do not know how to ask, or find it hard to believe, or they are just not ready to receive.
You may check the full Article about ask believe receive here:
Ask Believe Receive Formula explained
Taking action:
Many people are confused or do not understand the action part in the law of attraction. When to take action? what are the types of actions? And which one is more important?
Those two articles explain to you everything you need to know about taking action:
Article one: Taking Action
Article two: Inspired action vs un-inspired action
How to make the law of attraction work:
This post has actually a very interesting audiobook that you may listen to, it explains in details how the law of attraction works and how to use it in your favore. Check the full article here:
How to make the law of attraction work
gratitude can instantly change your vibration and your mood. Try it, sometime when you feel that nothing is going well in your life, or when you find yourself complaining about everything.. stop and think about what you already have, it can be anything that you are taking for granted, like the roof over your head, the food on your table, or it could simply be the fact that you're breathing through your nose and don't have the flu.. You never though about that one right? well next time you get the flu and can't breathe normally remember that blessing.
Gratitude and how to be grateful
You might have heard it in different names but the most commonly used name is affirmation, a positive statement that you have to believe with every cell of your being. You either write it down, read it, or listen to it, several times a day. It has to be short, straight to the point, believable, and positive.
Read more about how to use affirmations here:
Affirmations and how to use them