Taking Action
Taking Action
Many people are confused or do not understand the action part in the law of attraction. When to take action? what are the types of actions? And which one is more important?
In this video you will find the answer from Abraham Hicks and Jack Canfield who tells a very inspiring story:
Do we create what we want by taking actions?
No, we create our desires by setting clear intentions, focusing, meditating on what we want to have in our experience.
Actions are our way to allow our desires into our experience. our way of telling the universe "we are ready".
The law of attraction works perfectly when you set a clear intention and then become a vibrational match for it through the actions you take. In other words you have to be in harmony with your intention energetically. When you are out of harmony with your desires, you are sending mixed signals to the universe and somehow you keep cancelling your requests. for example, someone who set an intention to lose weight but keeps eating junk unhealthy food is someone who is out of harmony. they are not being a vibrational match because their actions do not support their intention.
As you could see, actions come after setting intentions, but it doesn't mean that taking actions is not part of the creation process.
So the bottom line is "Create what you want by focusing, bring it into your experience by taking actions".
What are the types of actions?
There are two kinds of actions in the law of attraction:
* Obvious actions: or "uninspired" actions, are what you consciously do to get what you want. for example, you desire to attract a car, the actions you could take are: check out cars for sales, ask how much the car you want costs, go test-drive it, save some money... Make the universe see that you want it so bad. Or if you want to manifest a relationship, you could go out, socialize with people, join dating sites...
those kind of actions usually take some effort but it shouldn't be tiring or annoying either.
* Inspired actions: when your intuition tells you to do something that is not always racional or logical, sometimes it totally makes no sense. But you just have to follow it. Example: one of my friends (who is a big believer in the law of attraction) wanted a relationship, he set his intention, visualized the perfect relationship, visualized the lady he wants to be with... and one day, coming home from work he found a flyer to an art event on his doorstep. He hates finding flyers (usually throw them away), he was never interested in art events, the event was far away from his home, and was on a working day. but that time he got inspired to go, the flyer got his attention, that day he finished work early and could leave with no problem, and he was offered a ride from a work colleague who lived near the art gallery he was going to. And that's where he found the lady that later became his girlfriend. Everything seemed to be conspiring for him to go there that exact day.. It was the universe telling him "I found your girl, just follow my signals"
But how to make sure it is an inspired action if it doesn't make sense?
Inspired actions are effortless, and enjoyable, you usually are having fun taking inspired actions, just like pushing your car down the hill, you do not feel like doing anything. It feels good that you know you're on the right path.
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