Advanced explanation of the Law of Attraction
Advanced explanation of the Law of Attraction
In this video, Bentinho Massaro goes deep in explaining the law of attraction. He starts by stating that the law of attraction is a fendamental energitic principal of creation. Just like gravity, things attract each other. On an energetic level we could say that some gravitational fields are more relevant to attracting certain things and creating a certaine reality. Creation itself is nothing but a love light at different frequencies, even physical matter is nothing but love light at a certain vibrational energitic state of itself. Then he proceed to explaining that there is nothig but vibration in this univers, and since physical matter is nothing but wave lenghts of love light frequencies, then your state of being must emit love light in a certain vibratory pattern. From that point, when you change your perception and how you see and react to life you actually change the energy field that you emit to the universe as a being. And this is happening permanently, because the law of attraction is operational 24/7 and your consciousness is always vibrating at a certain state of being, at a state of dencity of love light. so depending of the unique vibrational makeup of your present state of being you will attract whatever correspond with that vibratory pattern. your gravitational field will stop to attract some things that you previously attracted when you change your state of being. And will start to live on a vibratory level that will now start to attract appearances, things, configurations of this universe into its consciousness experience that belong to that vibratory wave lenght that you are effortlessly emitting in the present.
Now some valid questions to ask yourself: what am I sending out at this moment? how am I feeling right now? what is my state of being like right now? what is my vibrational attitude? based on answers and observations you will understand the patterns of the life that you have created and why are you attracting the experiences, people, and circumstances that are around you. It is actually because you have been vibrating on a gravitational field that attracted those frequencies into your experience. Since the law of attraction is a fendamental universal law that is an always operational mechanism, it is best to consciously start utilizing it instead of having it all over the place with all the mixed frequencies you emit, and having no control over your creations. So you now have to learn from the contrast of your experiences, to notice who you really are and who you are not.
If you wish to come closer to the vibrational understanding of unity and the one being that you are to the all that is consciousness, then you need to understand that all the things that appear to you are just versions of yourself. That will create love and lead you to falling in love with everything as if they are yourself, which is true. This does not mean that you have to prefer all the frequencies you attracted into your experience, you should honor your passions and desires without rejecting everything you attracted in the past by emitting mixed frequencies. You should embrace everything as part of all that is, and start to learn from the frequencies that do not resonate with your heart's desires. Only by doing so you learn and become the version of yourself that you always wanted to be. That is how you become clear and empowered about who you really are. The law of attraction is nothing but a mirror, that is smiling at you if you smile and crying if you cry. Understand that everything you want is already trying to get to you, but you are not allowing it by having bad thoughts and beliefs, figure them out and solve them so you can manifest what your heart wants. NAMASTE
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